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Mathematics, BA/BS

Do you have the desire to stretch your intellectual capacity as you learn to communicate in the one universal language? Studying mathematics will develop your critical thinking, computer skills and ability to diagnose and solve problems.

Mathematics can be found in almost every sector of the world. Our faculty collaborate with NASA, NIOSH, the U.S. Air Force and the U.S. Navy; receive National Security Agency grants; report on the state of mathematics in our nation; and merge their research across disciplines with faculty from computer science, engineering and biotechnology.

This interdisciplinary approach will prepare you for work as:

  • Research analysts
  • Technical consultants
  • Computer scientists
  • Educators
  • Systems engineers

Your Degree Plan


Aerial view of Martin and Woodburn Halls

Mathematics can be found in almost every sector of the world. Our faculty’s interdisciplinary approach to mathematics will prepare you for careers as research analysts, technical consultants, computer scientists, educators and systems engineers.

Tailor this major to your interests by focusing your coursework in one of these areas:

  • Actuarial Science

  • Computational Mathematical Science

  • Mathematical Biology

  • Mathematics Education

  • Physical Applied Mathematics

  • Pure Mathematics

Take advantage of special options related to this major:

  • Honors

    Expand your curiosity — and enhance your curriculum — through the 61´«Ã½tv Honors College. Two programs are offered: for first- and second-year students and for third- and fourth-year students.

The 61´«Ã½tv Difference

What sets this program apart from its competitors?

  • Earn academic credit through .
  • 500+ scholarships awarded annually by the Eberly College of Arts and Sciences.
  • offers funding for activities that complement, extend and enhance your academic experience.

93% of 61´«Ã½tv freshmen receive grants or scholarships (2023-24).

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Learn by Doing

Learning happens outside the classroom. Get involved.

Both the BA and BS degrees in Mathematics are flexible. You can choose to add an area of emphasis in actuarial science, or you can supplement the Mathematics major with courses in business, economics, computer science or statistics to increase your versatility.

Connect with other students who share your academic interests as a member of:

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Live, study and pursue outside-the-classroom learning in a that shares your interests:

Outside of the Evansdale Crossing building.

What you learn outside of the classroom is just as important as what you learn during class. We’ll help you follow your curiosity.

Careers and Outcomes

How does this degree prepare students for a career?

Mathematical Science Occupations, All Other

Apply standardized mathematical formulas, principles, and methodology to technological problems in engineering and physical sciences in relation to specific industrial and research objectives, processes, equipment, and products.

Has a Bright Outlook

Median Salary: $70,620

Possible job titles include: .

Explore Career


Analyze statistical data, such as mortality, accident, sickness, disability, and retirement rates and construct probability tables to forecast risk and liability for payment of future benefits. May ascertain insurance rates required and cash reserves necessary to ensure payment of future benefits.

Has a Bright Outlook

Median Salary: $120,000

Possible job titles include: Actuarial Analyst, Actuary, Pricing Actuary, Product Development Actuary.

Explore Career


Conduct research in fundamental mathematics or in application of mathematical techniques to science, management, and other fields. Solve problems in various fields using mathematical methods.

May require a Graduate Degree

Median Salary: $116,440

Possible job titles include: Agent-Based Modeler, Lead Simulation Modeling Engineer, Research Scientist, Scientist.

Explore Career


Develop or apply mathematical or statistical theory and methods to collect, organize, interpret, and summarize numerical data to provide usable information. May specialize in fields such as bio-statistics, agricultural statistics, business statistics, or economic statistics. Includes mathematical and survey statisticians.

Has a Bright Outlook , May require a Graduate Degree

Median Salary: $104,110

Possible job titles include: Senior Statistician, Statistical Analyst, Statistician, Trend Investigator.

Explore Career

Mathematical Science Teachers, Postsecondary

Teach courses pertaining to mathematical concepts, statistics, and actuarial science and to the application of original and standardized mathematical techniques in solving specific problems and situations. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research.

May require a Graduate Degree

Median Salary: $81,020

Possible job titles include: Instructor, Mathematics Instructor (Math Instructor), Mathematics Professor, Professor.

Explore Career

Middle School Teachers

Teach students in one or more subjects in public or private schools at the middle, intermediate or junior high level, which falls between elementary and senior high school as defined by applicable laws and regulations.

Median Salary: $64,290

Possible job titles include: Language Arts Teacher, Math Teacher (Mathematics Teacher), Science Teacher, Teacher.

Explore Career

Secondary School Teachers

Teach students in one or more subjects, such as English, mathematics or social studies, at the secondary level in public or private schools. May be designated according to subject matter specialty.

Median Salary: $65,220

Possible job titles include: English Teacher, Math Teacher (Mathematics Teacher), Social Studies Teacher, Teacher.

Explore Career

Where Graduates are Working

  • Business
  • Computer science
  • Economics
  • Engineering
  • Technology

Admission Requirements

To be admitted to 61´«Ã½tv's Mathematics major, first-time freshmen must meet 61´«Ã½tv's . Interested in transferring? Review the .

Tuition and Aid

How much does Mathematics at 61´«Ã½tv cost? And how can you save?

Tuition and Fees

Estimated rates are available on our tuition website. Anyone who is not a current West Virginia resident, including international students, will be charged non-resident rates.


Estimate your eligibility for merit scholarships at 61´«Ã½tv Morgantown.

Find Scholarships

Net Price Calculator

Estimate your cost of attendance and eligibility for financial aid and scholarships at any 61´«Ã½tv System campus.

Ways to Save

Here are a few ways for you to save on the cost of attending 61´«Ã½tv in addition to university scholarships.

Financial Aid

The most important step toward funding your future with financial aid for the Mathematics major is submitting the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA.

Ohio Tuition Reciprocity

As the result of a special agreement, students from Ohio who are fully admitted to Mathematics can enroll at 61´«Ã½tv and pay in-state tuition rates. Students must be admitted to both the University and this major.

Transfer Articulation Agreements

To simplify the transfer process, we have formal agreements with certain institutions. These agreements outline the courses you should take to prepare for transferring to 61´«Ã½tv.

Review the to see if your institution is listed.

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Want to know more about Mathematics at 61´«Ã½tv? Fill out our request form to receive more information.


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Your first step to becoming a Mountaineer is applying for admission using our convenient online application.